The Center for Conscientious Leadership

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Leader Reflections—The Power of Vulnerability

About a month ago I found a cool little yoga studio in a small little town in Connecticut. Since I was going to be working there for about a month, I decided to start doing yoga again. I used to practice yoga 3 or 4 times a week and then for several reasons—life and all its busyness-- I stopped going for a few years. This time, my yoga experience was different--I was surprised at how much I loved it and found myself going at least once a day and sometimes twice. Getting up for a 6 am class became something I looked forward to--whereas before I’d have to not only talk myself into such an early morning workout but promise myself a reward – like a Barry’s smoothie. This time, yoga has been more than just a workout—it has been a learning experience in more ways than I had expected.

The peacefulness in the room, the meditation, and the challenge of staying with a pose when my body wants to quit, have taught me that even the slightest adjustment can help me work through a challenging pose. I don’t remember having this kind of insight in the past when I practiced yoga, and I’ve asked myself what’s different this time—and the answer is me.

When it comes to the concept of dealing with challenges in our lives and how we choose to work through them– sometimes successfully and other times not, we may only need to make minor adjustments in order to start seeing a positive difference. I’ve actually begun to take what I’ve learned on the yoga mat and put it into practice in my life. Just like yoga this is an exercise that needs practice, but I’ve found great enjoyment in my new practice.

Last night during my yoga practice, the instructor read a passage that I wanted to share with you. It has special meaning for me and made me think of someone I care about very much. Someone who’s life I believe could be so different, so wonderful, if only they could embrace the essence of these words. Whether for yourself or someone in your life, it’s an impactful thought to reflect on when faced with life’s challenges:

“Our own story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy – the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
--From The Gifts of Imperfection—by author Brene Brown

Hearing these words reminded me that when we want to give up in the face of challenge, we must realize that by embracing our own vulnerability we will--more often than not--learn that overcoming a big challenge may only require a small adjustment in our approach in order to achieve a positive outcome.