CCL Resource Library

A sample of learnings, reflections, and resources to inspire, develop, and advance our members.

The Power of Investing in Yourself
Investing in Yourself John Donahoe Investing in Yourself John Donahoe

The Power of Investing in Yourself

John Donahoe

Do you feel your life is so busy that you can’t even get a good night’s sleep? Listen and absorb this timeless reminder from one of the most intentional and successful CEOs in America, John Donahoe, as he shares his personal life lessons about the power of investing in yourself to be the best version of yourself each day.

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Looking Forward with Gratitude
Gratitude Erik van Dillen Gratitude Erik van Dillen

Looking Forward with Gratitude

Erik van Dillen

CCL Leader Erik van Dillen is an American business executive and former professional tennis player who played over 25 major Grand Slam Championships. In his personal conversation with Chip, Erik reveals surprising experiences leading to a powerful perspective: Gratitude for the future. Listen in!

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Leader Reflections—A Letter from Eff
Reflection Eff Martin Reflection Eff Martin

Leader Reflections—A Letter from Eff

Eff Martin

What if we knew today what we will value most about our life at the end of it? It is among the rarest of gifts to hear first-hand from someone we know and trust, what his life’s most treasured gifts are after reflecting upon how close he came to his own mortality. What did he learn and what is he doing with his remaining hours? With thanks to Eff, we hope you find a thought in Eff’s story to hold on to in your own life.

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Managing Your Health Through the Pandemic: Forum Digital Café with Kelly Traver, MD
FDC Erika Francks FDC Erika Francks

Managing Your Health Through the Pandemic: Forum Digital Café with Kelly Traver, MD

Kelly Traver, MD

In April, CCL organized welcomed Dr. Kelly Traver, former Global Medical Director at Google and physician specializing in internal medicine, to have a discussion on staying safe and healthy—both physically and emotionally—during the COVID-19 pandemic. This event marked the launch of our digital speaker series: the Forum Digital Café.

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